Refrigerated Containers for Sale

Transporting furniture and dry freight in shipping containers is one thing, but what happens when you need to transport perishable or frozen goods? This is where reefer containers come into play and you will need to look specifically for refrigerated containers for sale or hire to meet your needs.

Reefer containers are manufactured specifically for goods that need to be kept refrigerated and they generally offer temperature ranges of between -25 °C and +25 °C. ISO-standard refrigerated containers for sale will allow you to control temperatures up to one-tenth of a degree, which will ensure that whatever you are transporting or storing will be kept at exactly the temperature you require.

Like all shipping containers, reefers are highly mobile, so if you are using them for storage (rather than transportation) you can move the container if and when you decide to move the location of your business.

Specifications and Sizes of Refrigerated Containers for Sale

Like all steel shipping containers, refrigerated containers for sale are modular. They come in 20 ft and 40 ft lengths as specified by the ISO. The standard 20 ft (or 6 m) reefer measures 6.058 m x 2.438 m and is 2.591 m high. The 40 ft (12 m) reefer is a “high cube” measuring 12.192 m x 2.438 m and it is 2.896 m high. Both are perfect for the transportation and storage of perishable cargo.

There are also specially designed refrigerated containers for sale that are intended for the static storage market, that may be located at factory facilities or in warehouses prior to delivery of perishable items.

Features of reefers can include:

Refrigerators for Sale From Almar

Almar offers versatile containerised cold storage solutions that provide an alternative to tradition cold-storage applications. Also available for lease, they are ideal for frozen or chilled products, and can also be used for transportation.

Because we at Almar realize that every business is unique, we offer specialised modifications in addition to our standard product range. These include special butcher doors, blast freezers, offshore DNV-certified reefers, as well as split reefer modifications that incorporate both freezers and chiller rooms.

If you are in the market for an Almar reefer, you need to bear our basic installation requirements in mind:

It is also important to check the electrical specifications for refrigerators for sale. Contact us today to discuss your needs with our friendly sale team.

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